Nowadays, divorcing spouses don’t need to get a lawyer to have their paperwork completed and submitted to the court. Since getting legal help costs a lot in Pennsylvania, free do it yourself divorce forms for uncontested marriage dissolution are becoming quite popular. A lot of spouses find it much more beneficial to make post-divorce arrangements that both would find convenient to avoid hiring lawyers and deal with the documents themselves to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Here, we have collected all PA divorce papers in pdf format so that every person can find the forms they need, download them in a few clicks, as well as fill out and file them without outside help. As long as you choose the right paperwork for your case and answer the questions in it truthfully, you will be able to submit it successfully. The forms that are available for download on our website are court-approved so you can be sure that they will be accepted by the court clerk.

Get Pennsylvania Divorce Forms in PDF Format

We have made sure to provide the divorce documents in pdf format so that you can easily print them out without worrying about adjusting fields or parts of text. Please note that not all of the papers will be suitable for your marriage dissolution. It is best to open each form and carefully check its purpose to understand if you should use it. Some of the documents are mandatory, like a Divorce Decree, and others are used only in very specific situations, like In Forma Pauperis, which allows the filing party to waive the court fees. You need to do a careful research to make sure you file every paper required by the clerk.

If you have no time to figure out which forms work for you, or are having troubles filling them out, PAOnlineDivorce is at your service. Once you complete a quick questionnaire on our website, we will choose the necessary paperwork for your case and fill it out with your personal information. Besides, you will not have to pay more if you have a lot of property or need to resolve custody matters with the court. We charge a flat fee of $159 regardless of the situation. Moreover, as a part of your divorce package, you will receive a set of filing instructions outlining the steps you need to take to finalize your marriage dissolution in a fast and simple way.

sign pa divorce forms
Considering Filing for Divorce?

Start by creating a free account on our website to see if you qualify for an online divorce in Pennsylvania. Prepare all the paperwork needed for filing an uncontested divorce online without lawyers.